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Creating future Champions
SIM Motorsport Race School has been created to support aspiring Racing Drivers wanting to get into Motorsport, or even get back into Motorsport!
The Race School provides the very best professional training and coaching in the key elements needed to be successful.
It is well known that simulation training prior to a race weekend is now more important than ever and the ability to be able to test and prepare is invaluable to todays top racing drivers. The Race School has been created to provide aspiring racing drivers from all age ranges, 14yrs - 70yrs old, with the necessary skills to learn how to be the very best at being prepared both mentally and physically, as well as good at reading telemetry and applying what they learn to become better drivers.
The simulators enable the drivers to address their driving style and try new approaches for a far less cost than trying to do it on the track.
The addition of professional media and sponsorship training is an absolute must for drivers serious about "getting paid to drive".
“Race school is a fantastic opportunity for young talent wanting to get into motorsport.
The ladder to motorsport is tough, Race School enables you to overcome this. Being fast is not enough - there are many aspects that you will learn that all contribute to being a Champion!” Tom Ovenden, 2023 Mini Challenge Trophy Champion

Module 1 *
Make It Happen!
Routes into motorsport
Mental approach to competing
How to stay at peak performance
Race driving skills evaluation
Minimum of 1 Hr Race Car Simulation

Module 2*
"I Want To Be World Champion!"
How to create an effective brand profile
How to engage & communicate effectively
Media skills training
Knowledge, principles & application of race driving
Minimum of 1 Hr Race Car Simulation
Module 3*
Get Paid To Race
Attracting sponsorship
Sponsorship engagement & longevity
Effective social media
Introduction to race car set up
Minimum of 1 Hr Race Car Simulation
Module 4*
Minimum of 1 Hr Race Car Simulation
Get Fit To Race
How to get & remain race fit
How to prevent injuries when racing
Techniques to attain peak shape on the day
The importance of nutrition

Module 5*
Drive To Success
Race day regulations
How to maximise practice & qualifying
Race set up
Maximising your cars potential
Racing to win
BRSCC / MSUK Regulations
Race licence preparation
Minimum of 1 Hr Race Car Simulation

*Module order may vary
Professional training and coaching
All our excellent trainers are qualified experts in their field and deliver a unique dynamic five -module training programme.

Simon Ricketts
Award winning trainer, raced at Club level, MSUK Coach & former Race Instructor
Jess Shanahan
Sponsorship Expert & Founder of Racing Mentor
Ruben Stanislaus
Racing Driver
ARDS Race Instructor
Luke Souch
Sporting Manager & MD BRSCC
Lisa Bhatt
Registered Nutritionist

Tom Ovenden
ARDS Race Instructor
Racing Driver
BTCC Academy
- Courses are limited to 10 drivers per course
- Pre ARDS training as part of the course
- Various VIP opportunities
- Title sponsor merchandise
- Graduates become Brand Ambassadors for SIM Motorsport
Only £1,850 (incl vat) for the full course. £500 deposit to
secure your place.

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